Video, Photo, and Audio Consent
I give my consent to the reproduction of my image, or property I own, by means of digital or magnetic audio/video recording, or still motion photography to Wichita Tech Services, LLC, Wichita Tech Services, LLC’s customers, advertisers, and assigns (collectively “Users”). I consent to the use of my image in any medium including copyrighted works for any lawful purpose including advertising without inspection or approval by me. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of my image or recording.
I further grant Users the right to use my name, biography, or other material I voluntarily provide in connection with any such uses of the photographs, video, and sound recordings. I grant Users the right to copy, edit, alter, and otherwise change the photographs, video, and sound recordings at User discretion. I hereby release any and all claims against any User utilizing this material. This consent shall be a continuing consent with no limitations or reservations, except those stated herein.
Minor Child
If the above-named individual is a minor child, the below signed parent or legal guardian of the above-named minor child hereby consents to and gives permission to the above on behalf of such minor child.